martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Welcome to my blog! :D

My name is Catalina Pinto Ríos, I’m 18 years old. I live in Talagante with my parents and my little sister.  I’m studying nursery education on the university and this is my first year :D
I have two hamsters, tito and chii. They are very lazy and tender.
I’m trying to play the guitar since some years, but I can’t practice because I don’t have much time for this. My guitar is called “Guitah”  :D
I hope that you enjoy reading this blog

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Catalina :)

    Your blog is very pink! jajaja. I like it ;)

    I hope you have a good academic year!

    Best regards.

  2. hi cata :D
    I did not know that you had pets *-* i love hamsters! and their names are so cute!

    well,see you soon ;D
