jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Election Day

Nowadays, we are registered to voting since we turn 18 years old, but before, whoever that wanted to vote had to register him/herself into "registro electoral".  I went to the Talagante "registro electoral", to register myself to voting a week after my 18 birthday, because I have always thought that voting is my right and, I'm in my right to use it, so voting brings me the power to choose who can be my country president, or my town mayor. 

In this electoral campaign, in my district there are two mayor candidates, Raúl Leiva (the current mayor) and Lucy Salinas (a previous mayor), and their electoral campaigns are so different. Raúl's Campaign uses pictures from the Talagante people, and from the advances that my town has had since he is the mayor, and Lucy campaign painted many walls that were previously cleaned by a municipal program called "yo pinto Talagante". The bad thing about the electoral campaigns is that the candidate’s propaganda is located in every place, hiding all the beautiful things that my town has. I think that it is not necessary to cover a place with a candidate face...  maybe she / he isn't a good person and doesn't know how to be a good leader, this is the important thing.!  

I think that a person who wants to have a public position must have public service vocation, because she/he won't govern to win more power to him/herself, but, she/he will govern for all the people, from young and old people.

I never consider becoming a politician, because I think it is a very big responsibility and I don't think that I'm the best person to do it, and I want to be a teacher, not a politician.

See you soon! <3

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with you...
    I hate the propaganda they use too... I think it's just rubbish. That's why I think they should talk about themselves, with te people... after all, we need people with good ideas, that's the main thing.
